I've never been very good at following instructions, actually no, correction, I've never been very good at READING instructions. Quite frankly, I can't be bothered. Televisions, mobile phones, computers etc. I never read instructions.
This then causes me my dilemma about recipes. I do like to cook and am pretty good at it (if I do say so myself). My forte is savoury food and I think this is because I can just make stuff up based on tastes. You can't make stuff up in baking! I have made up some yummy meals over the years but am always unnsuccessful with desserts. Whenever people ask me to 'bring something sweet' I can never just settle for bringing something simple like a cake! No no no I have to try and conjure up some elaborate dessert in my head!
This little intro brings me to today's challenge. Macarons!! Everyone has been talking Macarons ever since Adriano Zumbo's Macaron tower on Masterchef.
My team leader (who bakes a lot) at work tried about 6 times before he perfected them (they were delish!). I've been wanting to try making them for ages so today I gave them a go. However, I did cheat a little! I decided to try the Donna Hay macaron packet mix first.
I figured that this would help me learn the texture and process and then I would attempt them from scratch! I'm not really sure if this was the right approach!! I followed the very simple instructions, I read and re read. I wanted these to be perfect. I mean seriously, how hard can it be?! At least that is what I thought!! When it came time to spoon them onto the tray (yes she said to spoon them not pipe them) I realised something had somehow gone a little wrong. It looked like I was making pikelets!
Even then I kept saying to myself 'maybe this is how they are meant to look' (wishful thinking when I knew there was no way they were meant to look like that). So after the stated ten minutes waiting time, I popped them into the oven and hoped for the best!
And the result?
Don't be crazy, as if!! These are the ones that my team leader made for me! Here are mine!
MAJOR FAIL!!!! Hilarious! However, they do still taste delicious!!
I may or may not try making them again(from scratch next time why bother with the bought mix?).
Otherwise I'll stick to cooking savoury stuff and playing it safe with cakes if and when sweet is required! The french stuff may just be a little too complicated for me!
Until next time,
the last single 35yr old woman xx