Ok, so I have a question. When exactly did it become acceptable for girls to show their butt cheeks in public?! And believe me, I am not talking about down at the beach, I'm talking, every day when walking down the street and at night in bars and pubs. Seriously, when did this become acceptable?
Of course this is a rhetorical question as I already know the answer. Ummmm NEVER!!!!! I don't care if you have a body like Beyoncé, or you are a size 6 or you are a size 16. It is never OK in a normal day to day situation to have half of your butt hanging out. Maybe if you are a model in a photo shoot or on stage as a back up dancer for JLO, other than that it is NOT OK!!!!!!!!!!
You all must remember the commercial that used to be on TV (it could have been for Mentos) when it was saying how if guys are seen wearing bather briefs (aka budgie smugglers) anywhere off the sand at the beach they are wearing underwear? Well that is the same rule with short shorts and skirts!. If I can see your butt cheeks anywhere other than in a performing capacity then you are wearing bathers! C'mon, you have all seen it! You know I'm not exaggerating. I work in the city and am seeing as much bottom as seen in the above pic on a daily basis. if this is what girls think is fashion then I have lost all faith in the fashion industry that I love so much! Like I said, I'm not just talking during the day, I'm seeing girls wearing outfits resembling swimwear in the evening as well. Yes, yes, Kylie got away with it.
But Kylie was in a film clip and on stage. In normal day to day life, clothing that resembles swimwear is not at all fashionable and can only be described as tacky.
I know I sound like a complete prude but girls, have some self respect, is it really necessary to have your bottoms hanging out for everyone to see?!
And before anyone says 'I'm jealous', not so. I don't get jealous of other girl's appearances, I simply admire females who look elegant, fashionable and sexy. Just three weeks ago I saw a girl wearing an amazing blue playsuit with gorgeous shoes and her hair slicked back, she looked fantastic, so I told her so. I don't get jealous, I just get concerned that girls think it is completely acceptable to wear things that resemble denim, Brazilian bikini bottoms to a music festival!
Let me also add, it is not just shorts that are the issue. Micro, mini skirts are equally as offensive. Ladies (and I use that world loosely) if your bottom hangs below the bottom of your skirt, it is not a skirt, it is a belt! I was out with a girlfriend over the weekend and there were butt cheeks coming at us left, right and centre. And let me just say, when there is dancing added to this fashion disaster equation it pretty much turns into a night at the Playboy Mansion. Yowza!!! I'm assuming that guys find this sexy, I'm hoping I'm wrong! I don't think it is sexy at all!
Just as a side note....when you go on an escalator in one of these micro minis, the people below you can see EVERYTHING!! I'm TALKING EVERYTHING!! I spend a lot of time on escalators at my work and let me just say, I don't remember ever signing anything that said I wanted to be a gynaecologist!!!
Anyway that's my say and I had to have it, and now I will leave you with one thought, an extra inch and a half of fabric goes a long way.
Until next time,
DM xx