Ok, so i have been extremely non committal with my blog over the last 12 months. This got me thinking that, as with most things in life, when something becomes a chore, it is time to stop. I seem to have lost a bit of my creative mojo over the last year. I have barely written, and I haven't picked up my SLR camera or even my 'happy snap' camera in more than a year. I feel now, it is time to raise the white flag and surrender to the fact that my blog days are numbered (at least for now).
This then got me thinking about how there are some things you really do have to just give up on. Some dreams, some goals, even some friendships just don't last forever. While it is lovely to think that you can achieve whatever you put your mind to, the reality is, that there are some things, that for whatever the reason, you may not achieve.
The question is do you give up and move on to new and better or do you continue to live your life in hope?
I have no answer to this question but I do like to believe that with every ending, comes a new beginning. (clearly I'm using 'stopping my blog' as a metaphor for other things in my world, as of course, the blog is just a teeny tiny factor).
There may feel like there is a black hole in your world at first but eventually you know you will pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move onwards and upwards. In saying that, I believe it is ok to spend 5 minutes mourning whatever it is you've given up on, very often these dreams, hopes, friendships or behaviours have been with us for years.
As for my blog, I believe I have always stayed true to myself, always being honest and real and never trying to be anything I'm not.
I am me, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!
Thanks, for the support, the comments and the smiles.
Until another time and place,
the last single 36yr old woman xx
It will be sad to see your blog go but I also commend you for finding the time to even start one up in the first place. I'm in awe of bloggers...it's something I wish I could commit to. I have loved reading your blog and it has also hit a nerve with me on many occasions. Best of luck with your next creative expression. Catchya xx.