Sunday, February 28, 2010

Age is just a number!

Last week was my Mum's 70th Birthday. 70! SEVENTY!! I can't even imagine that my Mum is 70! As I ran around taking photos of Mum with her husband, with her children and grand children, with her remaining brothers and with her nieces and nephews I was thinking to myself that she really must have been doing some serious re capping of her own life. I thought about how she must think back and look at all she created (and looking at all of my gorgeous nieces and nephews, she has passed on some seriously good genes)in amazement. In fact, both of my parents must do that. It then got me thinking about age.
Mum always told me that she was so upset when she turned 30, that she actually mourned leaving her 20s. 30 never bothered me but surprisingly, I was upset about turning 31, go figure!
When I was 13 I remember thinking one of my sisters was so old for turning 24. That was absolutely ancient to me, this year one of my nieces is turning 24 which makes me feel ancient!
Actually, I don't feel 34 (whatever 34 is supposed to feel like)and my friend's ages vary so much that in my mind we are all just the same age. Plus, I think all of my friends look FABULOUS for their age.
I love all the creams, lotions and potions that are designed to make us look younger. (Let me tell you, late at night, that Cindy Crawford one looks amazing! But only because Cindy Crawford looks amazing. It is funny that when I'm watching those ads when I'm really tired, I get so tempted to buy those things!)
I saw an advertisement today for something that fills in the lines on your face temporarily! It actually goes onto your wrinkles and fills them so your makeup goes onto a completely smooth surface, sort of like poly filler for your face! Seriously, is this what we are doing now?! All of that stuff is just too much fuss for me (except for a simple moisturiser) I personally think that laughing keeps you young. If you laugh lots and enjoy life, the youthfulness you feel just shines out of you.
Every time two of my good friends (a married couple) see my mum she always has to tell me how young they look. I KNOW THEY DO!!!The wife has skin that makes her look at least ten years younger than her age, I know she eats healthy most of the time and doesn't wear too much make up and has a good moisturising routine and she has definitely been rewarded for it. The husband, on the other hand, has a very strict diet of coffee (lots of it), scotch and cigarettes (although he does eat reasonably healthy) and he too manages to look A LOT younger than his age.
So maybe looking good for your age is a combination of good genetics and a good state of mind!

I went out with friends the other night and we went to a couple of different bars. One was full of young 'posers'! They were dancing, but not really dancing if you know what I mean. Everyone there was younger than we were, which doesn't bother me at all. The posing part did bother me though. No one looked like they were enjoying themselves, they were putting so much effort into posing and pouting that it just seemed so tedious to me.
The next bar we went to was an older crowd, generally they were older than me although there was quite a few 'cougar' couples there. I'm not loving the term 'Cougar' but I know everyone knows what I mean when I say it.
The next bar (calling it a bar probably makes it sound a bit classier than it is) was full of a real mixture of ages. I would say the range was 17 to about 42. That is always such an interesting age range to watch. The older guys are checking out the 17 year olds, the older females (when I say older I mean my age and above!) are checking out the younger guys. All the girls are checking out the boys in the band (age rules are null and void if you are in a band!) And then there are the REALLY drunk people who are hooking up with absolutely anyone and age doesn't even factor into that equation(the term 'beer goggles' comes to mind!)!

Age really is just a number. With age comes experience and knowledge. Two of the things I love about getting older is all the stuff I continually learn about myself and what i continue to learn about life in general. I think the day we stop allowing ourselves to learn is the day we start to lose our passion for life. Two things I hate about getting older are when you do notice that extra line appearing around your eyes or when someone actually guesses your age correctly!

So my advice (for what it is worth) is continue to learn, enjoy life (of course there will be bad days), dance lots and don't forget to laugh!!

Until next time,
the last single 34yr old woman xx


  1. Funnily enough my very own blog post today (before I found your blog) was a mini freak out about age and I'm only 22. LOL.
    BTW I am assuming that photo on the left is you and if it is well you look amazing for 34, my honest guess would be 26 if you blog title wasn't so honest :)

  2. Oh thank you so much. I'll have to find yours now. And 22?! No you can't freak out yet!
    And thanks for commenting!

  3. awesome blog donna, i agree age is just a number and with it come so many perks of wisdom , i really enjoy my age and dont feel a day over 26! your mum must have had a wonderful bday and gets to look back at all she has created and achieved xx

  4. Thanks chica. She had a fantastic time xx

  5. Overjoyed to read that being in a band renders age perception "null and void". Hooray for coloured stage lights and loud music. Actually you can see a surprising amount from on stage and your assessment of the various types is bang on.
