Friday, January 22, 2010

I am New York!

I don't know that much about American politics but I always remember reading that when Giuliani was mayor of New York he created the 'No Tolerance' policy for criminals, even for first time offenders. I definitely have developed quite a no tolerance policy of my own. The older I get the less patience I seem to have for the things that irk me. It is funny that sometimes the most frivolous of things can annoy us (or maybe I should just speak for myself!).
One thing I tried to do this year was make a pact with myself to try and lose my temper less. My Scottish/Italian heritage has made me quite a fiery little specimen, so to curb my temper takes quite a bit of what I like to call 'giving birth breathing'!
I realise when I'm trying not to get angry, I develop a kind of quivering, almost-laughing element to my voice as a way of suppressing the fact that I really want to raise my voice and snap! I discovered this just recently when I was out and someone I barely know put their mouth on the straw that was in my Red Bull. Now let me explain something, although I'm not a total germaphobe (?), I have a real problem with swapping spit with someone who I haven't, or have no intention of, shall we say. shared any kind of intimate moment with (tactful enough?). To give you a better understanding, like when someone is talking to me and their spit lands on my lip (this happens more often than you would think and usually alcohol is involved) I pretty much am distracted, for the rest of the conversation by that tiny dot of spit trying to penetrate the skin in my lip!
There have been many occasions where Dominique, Priscilla and myself have motioned to each other to cover our drinks to avoid any straying saliva from whoever we are talking to.
Another example is from quite a few years ago. I was out at a casual dinner with a group of people. One of the people was a kind of well known musician (in his day) who, at the time, was on my top 5 list. I ordered the Turkish bread and dips (one of my favourite simple meals) and offered it around the table, the musician took some bread and double dipped it in my dips (no this is not some kind of sexual metaphor, it is literal) he dipped the bread, took a bite and then dipped again. Now even though, (at the time)I thought he was HOT, (remember, top 5!) I still had to pull him up on it. His response: 'we all have the same spit'! AH NO, NO WE DO NOT!!
So back to the straw incident, I quickly detached my red bull from the straw. Then I realised I was causing a little mini commotion so I toned it down and all of a sudden my voice had that quivering, laughing thing going on. Meanwhile, I had lifted my free hand and dug my nails into my friend's arm to try and suppress the anger, I think he still has the nail marks!

So this all got me thinking about other things I am not tolerant of.

I always had a funny thing about strange girl's in bars and clubs accidentally brushing their hair against my bare shoulders or back. I'm not actually sure if this one still bothers me!

I hate it when someone open mouth sneezes so close to me that I can smell it. I have never discussed the sneeze smell with anyone until recently when my friends' 6 year old son brought up the subject. (Is it strange that I'm relating to a six yr old? He is six and a half after all!)

The words 'smile luv, its not that bad' grate on me in a way you wouldn't even believe! The sides of my mouth turn down, I can't help it, I'm not unhappy, it is just how I look! My eyes are smiling!

I can't stand it when girls say that they only get along with boys and that girls don't really like them. Really?! All girls?! Maybe if you actually bothered to crack a smile when saying hello to girls as opposed to flirting with and hanging off every single guy you meet. I generally manage to get along with both boys and girls just fine!

Dairy products can't stay out of the fridge for longer than half an hour. If the cheese is sweating then I won't be eating it! My four closest friends know this about me and they just laugh when I subtly (or not so subtly) put the milk away if it has been sitting on the bench too long. I also can't drink anything where the milk has started to curdle (or as Priscilla likes to say, coagulate!) I mentally freak out when that little skin starts to form on top of a hot chocolate or flat white in a cafe!

Close talkers! (no need to say more)

After so long working in retail, it infuriates me when the sales assistant doesn't look at me or continues to talk to co workers while putting through my transaction.

I should really stop there before you think I'm nuts (too late they cried)! These are just little pet peeves, I've probably got many more. I'm sure we've all got them (we do, right?!) It is the bigger stuff that should really worry us!

I don't think New York has their 'no tolerance' policy anymore.

I'm still working on mine!

Until next time,
the last single 34yr old woman


  1. So true Donna!!! We ALL have our pet peeved whether we like to admit them or not!! I have too many to mention!

  2. I hear ya, girl!
    Although I have never considered the smell of a sneeze - I also cannot tolerate dairy goods being left out of the fridge...or people saying "smile luv"...definitely annoying!
    Thanks for this instalment and enjoy the weekend :)

  3. omg honey that was fantastic im so addicted to your blogs and they are cracking me up !!! and personally i couldnt agree with this one more!!!
    love priscilla xx
