Saturday, January 30, 2010

Moment to moment

John Lennon once wrote in one of his songs 'life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans'. This is a line that often pops into my head. I'm always thinking about the future and planning things that sometimes I forget to appreciate the small moments in my life. There are so many! Every now and then a simple moment will pop into my head that can make me laugh out loud, smile or even feel sad.
It is amazing how the smallest moments in our lives can mean so much to us.

There are the moments my friends and family have told me they are having a baby, that first second of excitement is so uplifting!

The times my sisters and friends have asked me to be godparent to their child, I always feel so proud.

There are so many moments I can remember laughing until I'm crying. I actually remember at least 3 of these times we had were in a taxi! We were laughing so much we could barely give directions to the driver. Who knows what we were laughing at but the memory of it makes me laugh every time.

I will always remember the moment at my friends house when they put their tiny 2wk old son in my arms and he fell asleep on me, I fell in love with him then and there!

We are a family who doesn't show much affection but I remember once sitting at the dinner table with my Dad (a man who has no time for small talk)when Mum was in hospital and he told me he loved me. That moment will always be so dear to me.

This is a strange one, I remember years ago when I was living in England I was on a bus. As I was standing up to get off the bus I noticed a lighter had fallen out of the pocket of the guy in front of me. I picked it up and gave it to him and as I did I noticed his most amazing eyes and smile. It was like a Hollywood moment as we stared at each other both holding onto the lighter, eventually I had to let go and get off the bus but it was a strange moment. I only ever saw him once again when I got off the double decker bus another time and saw him through the window of the packed bus; we just stared again. A bit soppy for me I know, but yes I'll always remember it!

I remember every single time I've gotten the phone call that someone in my life has died. That feeling of your heart breaking is hard to forget.

Although such a sad day, I'll always cherish the moment at my Uncle and Aunty's funeral (one of the hardest I've ever been too) when I looked up and saw my four closest friends standing there. Words can't describe how comforted I was by that. At the same day I'll always remember one of them walking over to me during the funeral to see if I needed her, another moment that meant so much.

I'll always remember when one of my friends rang me after another funeral and said he was taking me for a coffee, obviously just to get my mind off things. The same friend took me to the zoo one year on my birthday when he knew I wouldn't be doing anything. These small things wouldn't have meant much to him but meant so much to me. (we've already established that friends are everything to me)

There was a moment recently when a friend remembered me saying I'd love to go to a comedy club so she surprised me for my birthday, again, this meant so, so much to me.

I have a friend who lives overseas who seems to have the most amazing timing. About two years ago I was going through some stuff that she would never have known about but at the time she sent me a beautiful card just to say she had been thinking about me. Then again, a few weeks ago I was having a bit of a down day when all of a sudden she text me to say she had just been thinking about me. These little moments just make me feel so good and they actually helped pull me out of the bad stuff I was feeling!

There are the 'good luck' texts, the 'well done' texts and the 'I'm thinking of you' texts.

There are those moments when you suddenly realise that things have changed!

There are those moments when you realise you may have just lost a friendship that you cherish. Even though it may have taken a while for the friendship to perish the hardest moment is when you accept it and let it go. I look back at these friendships with such fondness and know that a little piece of me has has died along with the friendship. Sometimes I bump into those friends and have a nostalgic moment and I wonder if they look back with the same fondness.

There are those moments with my best friends where we just talk and talk and we feel like we've put the whole world right, even for just a moment.

And the dancing, oh I can't forget the dancing. We've had times at hotels or at home where we have danced and danced until we can't dance anymore.

I think we should always cherish every moment! The moments we wish would last forever, the moments we wish had never happened, the moments that make us laugh, the moments that made us cry, the moments we can never get back and the moment that is right now. These are the moments that have formed us, that have put us where we are today! Then there is the excitement of not knowing what the moments that are still to come will bring us!

Until next time,
the last single 34yr old woman


  1. Donna such insight to the moments in our lives.. Tis the reason I am taking time to enjoy today. These days it is easy to be caught up in many situations that will supposedly only take "a few minutes" but we tend to fail to see the important moments in our lives. I know I have my regrets with the lack of time I spent with my father but I do realise that one of the moments that I did spend with him was the day he met Marty was a huge wake up call, because as you know things changed the very next day. There is a lot to be said about stopping and enjoy what is around you.... I love your moment in the UK with Mr Bus guy, oh I have had moments like those, I often wonder is that some guardian angel saying take note, speak to him , do it now or just a taste of what's to come in your life... I dont know. I have a favourite scene from a movie "Waiting to exhale or is it How to make an American quilt" where Alfre Woodard plays a character in the movie and reminisced about meeting her soul mate in Paris. They met in the street, he offered her his umbrella and they had such a connection in that one meeting. They said their good byes and never saw each other again. Many years on she still considers that person as her soul mate. Anyway I have said too much. Great blog. I Love this one!

  2. Well that was a lovely post! I have tears in my eyes! Its great to stop and think about those little moments which make up our lives. Thankyou for sharing.

    PS - I see that you are quite new to this. If you are interested there are a lot of us bloggers which tweet on Twitter (all the time) just log onto my blog to connect to us. I will introduce you xx

  3. thank you both so much for your comments I really appreciate it, and I love hearing everyone's stories.
    Ps lucky you commented, because I couldn't work out who R was x
    Will do Taryn thank you.

  4. I LOVED reading about the bus guy. And you wrote beautifully about some lovely moments in your life. You got me thinking about so many in mine, good and bad. Like you said, we need to treasure all of them.
    Great post! x
    ps get on twitter!

  5. thanks so much that means a lot coming from you. I am on twitter already, I thought we were already friends because I always get your tweets xx
