Thursday, March 27, 2014

Just a quickie..quirky behaviours!

It occurred to me last night as I reached for my DESSERT spoon to eat my soup, that I have some little quirky habits that I have at home that I probably wouldn’t display in public.

I like to eat soup with a dessert spoon.

I like to eat dessert with a teaspoon. I love eating with a teaspoon!!

I like Filet O fish burgers! (apparently I’m the only one)

I love a whopper with no bread (FYI impossible to eat neatly in public).

I prefer eating from a bowl than a plate (yes I know not possible with a good steak).

I like my music loud when I’m around the house doing….well doing anything, cleaning, cooking etc. I like lots of guitar and great vocals and LOUD!!

I love looking at pictures in any gossip or fashion magazines but I hate reading the articles.

I’m sure there are way more, but these were the ones I thought of while eating my soup last night….with my dessert spoon!

Just another Donnarism xx